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How to use Video Analysis in Education

Josh Bryan

How to use Video Analysis in Education

The established video analysis processes that are used in professional sport are not necessarily sport-specific. They can also be applied to medical, instructional, and industrial settings. In this blog, I will share some examples and insight into how processes are being applied to enhance video analysis in education. The main aim of video analysis is to create resources that objectively display key information and facts about an activity that can be used to support and enhance the feedback process. When I deliver training sessions on our video analysis tools to a group that is either from sport or outside the world of sport, I always base it around three main steps: Get video in Break it down Get video out STEP 1 – GET VIDEO IN Whatever activity you are doing, as long as you have a video you can start a video analysis process. There are so many different ways to gather video now: affordable handycams, smartphones, tablets, professional cameras and also IP Cameras. This increased accessibility means that it is much easier to get started with using video analysis in education than you may think. Whatever your budget is, there will be an entry-level filming solution you can use. STEP 2 – BREAK IT DOWN

This is the part where we can really help you out. Before you start to break anything down, you have to establish what it is you would like to find within. Or perhaps, what you would not like to find within the video! Through establishing the things you would like to know more about (Key Performance Indicators), you can start to identify what actions need to be recorded and measured to get a picture of what is going on. In this process, we can help you to start building up the basis of a template of different actions to record. We then bring in tools like the Codimg video analysis software and Codimg View to put these templates together, so that you can use them to analyse your videos.

If you take a look at this previous blog, which is the first in a series of three, you can see more details about this template development process and what it looks like. The blogs detail our work with Exeter House School and Cardiff Metropolitan University, developing methods to assist with analysing Intensive Interaction sessions in special schools. Intensive Interaction is a method used with children who have Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (CLDD). Since this first project, we have also established methods for assessing Engagement. This was done through a series of workshops with a group of schools that were exploring the use of technology in special schools. We are pleased to say that Exeter House School, Fountaindale School, and Heronsbridge School are now all using the Codimg video analysis software full time to enhance their teacher and pupil developments. So, back to the process. Once your initial template is established (it is likely to keep developing and changing as you use it more!), it’s now just a matter of watching through the video and pressing buttons as you see actions happen. The buttons can be set up to register a preset amount of time in the video when pressed, or you can have them running until you manually stop them registering. This results in you having a timeline for your video which is broken down into rows of different Categories. On each row, the moments you registered will show as a clip in the timeline. Extra information can also be associated with these clips, leading to you being able to use more analysis tools like a Matrix to get an overview of the whole video and what was occurring.

This is the process of breaking down the video and it’s something that can either be done live during an event or post-event. This is what we call real-time analysis or post-event analysis. It’s the important part where you can use video analysis in education settings to pick out those moments of gold dust to share with others. STEP 3 – GET VIDEO OUT By breaking down the video, you now have a record of that session which can be permanently stored and reviewed as many times as you want. By reviewing the clips in the timeline, you can start to get a full understanding of what happened. The next big step is to determine how this can impact performance, decisions or feedback to others. Within Codimg, there is a great presentation tool, which lets you grab clips from the timeline and assemble them into different lists. With your selected clips assembled, you can add notations, voiceovers, and drawings onto them to really highlight what you are seeing. The presentation you have put together can then be shown to others within the software, or you can export it as a video to share with others through online platforms for example. Showing a video of key moments to others is a great way to create discussions, reinforce your message, and enhance understanding and performance. Another resource you can utilise from the Codimg software is all the data you have created. You can create interactive dashboards that instantly give you an overview of the whole analysis, utilising charts, and numbers to display the information revealed during your BREAK IT DOWN phase. These can be saved out as a picture, but within the software, they give a unique method for reviewing the video. As you click on part of a chart or some numbers shown, it will show you the video clips which relate to that data.

HERE TO HELP Hopefully, the information above gives you an overview of video analysis in education processes and how they can be applied to any activity. We are here to help you achieve your goals and can assist in creating or developing existing video analysis workflows to apply to your environment. So please don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out more about video analysis, how it could help you, and how we could create bespoke solutions and workflows to suit your needs and requirements! (July 2020 Edit) – For a more recent case study looking at using video analysis within education, read this blog about the video coaching processes at Torquay Academy and find out more with the full online video webinar linked below, featuring Vice-Principal for Teaching and Learning, Harrison Littler, along with two teachers who share their feedback about receiving video coaching. Finally, we would like to say a big thank you to St John Fisher Catholic School who have chosen to work with us to enhance their teacher development processes. The school use a combination of Codimg licences and the Codimg View app when “developing their own”, and thanks to Headteacher Catherine Burnett, you can hear more about their workflows in this video.


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